Monday, September 14, 2020

Wildfires + COVID = Struggles for the US

 The current state of the Pacific Northwest is in fact a national security threat. U.S. national security policymakers and practitioners should be working to find possible solutions to the national disaster crisis. The rampant wildfires that are plaguing that area of the United States are negatively impacting the air in that region and could possibly impact the rest of the country as well. When combined with COVID-19, which has major health concerns especially with the respiratory system, the poor air quality is presenting a national security issue for at least that small part of the country. “An unprecedented level of pollution” is being dispersed throughout this region of America (USA TODAY). Since the US does not know what the long-term health concerns of COVID-19 are combining respiratory issues and poor air quality could in fact lead to more health concerns in the future. 

            These wildfires a threat to our national security because they are destroying national resources and effecting the livelihood of American citizens. A large number of firefighters have been tasked with trying to lessen the effect of these wildfires, but they have not been able to completely eliminate these fires. Oregon has been essentially completely covered by the smoke and pollution from these fires. Air quality is at such a hazardous level that the Department of Environmental Quality has dubbed it as “apocalyptic”. Not only have there been national resources destroyed, but there have also been economic challenges. Local economies have suffered and there is not a general consensus of what it would take for these economies to rebound. Therefore, this does present an immediate threat to national security. 

These fires have not been without causalities either, as of this weekend at least 30 people have died. As previously mentioned, coupling these confirmed deaths with the future health concerns and the destruction of US national resources these wildfires are presenting a legitimate national security concern. The response from the government must be thoroughly thought out, and they should do a strategic plan as well. Being strategic in this sense is something that will most likely challenge the current administration. 

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