Monday, September 24, 2007

Why do we fear?

Amid Protests, President of Iran Speaks at Columbia

Damon Winter/The New York Times
[Protesters, including students bused in from other schools, swarmed Columbia University to demonstrate against the speech.]

I think, first of all, we need to listen directly and carefully on his opinion on what’s wrong and what’s right on the situation in the Middle East. And then, we can judge his argument how he is biased or not based on his remarks. Protests are a good means of representing the American ideology. Even without it, Ahmadinejad would keep look down on the U.S. and so called the Western democratic countries. National security can be obtained only when we sought the true values. If he does not exactly know on those values, we have to le him know ho to maintaining a stable national security. If somebody who is not content with him, how about to say in front of his speech table that “you are a terrorist!” To obtain true values, we need to know to withdrawing one step, and then it will make us to go further.

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