There’s a lot of crap
going on right now, but frankly I don’t feel like talking about it. I need a
fifth blog post, but I don’t want to get angry or depressed over Christmas
break. So today, I’m going to be talking about Star Wars instead. *ahem*
The Death Star was the
ultimate symbol of the Tarkin Doctrine, which stated that fear of the Empire’s
overwhelming might would ultimately render violence unnecessary. The Death Star
was meant as a tool of deterrence which would cow potentially rebellious star
systems. Parking the Death Star in orbit around a planet would be enough to cow
dissent, as citizens had everything to lose by fighting the Empire. However, by
ignoring his own doctrine and destroying Alderaan, Tarkin nullified the
effectiveness of the Death Star as a deterrent, as it then appeared to many
citizens that they had nothing to lose by joining the Rebellion.
While Senator Leia
Organa was engaged in illegal pro-Rebellion activity with the knowledge and
consent of high-ranking officials in the planet’s government, Alderaan was
nonetheless a peaceful world with no standing military which nominally submitted
to Imperial authority. By obliterating a planet of pacifists, Tarkin created a
narrative opposite to that which he desired. So long as the Death Star was
simply used as a deterrent, obedience to the Empire was seen as a strategy for
survival by potentially rebellious worlds. However, with the destruction of a
planet which posed no major threat to the Empire, joining the Rebellion seemed
to many to be the only logical survival strategy, as the Empire had shown
itself to be arbitrary and needlessly cruel.
The effects of this
were immediate and dramatic. Many worlds rallied to the Rebellion, and scores
of highly trained military officers defected from the Empire, bolstering the
Rebel ranks with much needed numbers and professional expertise. Within four
years, the Rebellion was no longer a mere insurgency, but a peer competitor to
the Empire. The Imperial Navy suffered a decisive defeat to the Rebel Fleet at
the Battle of Endor, which would lead to the death of the Emperor and ultimately
the fall of the regime. Had the Empire employed the Death Star with more
restraint, it is entirely plausible that the Rebellion would not have won the
Galactic Civil War.